Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Very IMP update for 2007 CEED

Do read this brochure very carefully it has lot of useul info!



CEED Sample Paper

Comment below saying "Yes" with your name and email if you would be interested to get sample question papers or question bank for ceed....


Quick thinking skills

This time am going to talk about “quick thinking” which is another essential need for the CEED entrants. Let’s start with a simple question – how may linear objects do you know in the world which you have seen so far (example- pen, pencil etc) can you think of more than 20?, it’s looks really simple but equally hard to think and come out with different objects in the world which are linear in shape.

This is where how you look at things comes into picture? Have you even worried if a TV is a cubical, spherical object or how a TV box and say Maruti Van possibly related in shape?... again these are very drastic examples but as a future designer world looks upon you to think both in actual world as well as abstract world, have you ever though why some cars have animal names, what’s metaphor?, why someone says this truck looks like a monster etc. This is one of the key skills which is sometimes tapped in CEED examination. Now you may say huh! I wish I knew about this earlier I would have started doing this from many years, but believe me this knowledge is not simple to store in the smaller few gigs of our human database, but yes again it’s not impossible too. I cannot say if this skills cannot be developed but I’ve seen people born to see things in a different way than a typical average person whom we meet day n day out. But my assumption here can be wrong and so assuming that I can put some pointers which you may want to try out to get some assistance for your examination and later if you become a designer tomorrow…

Your exam may give you some shape and ask you to generate many objects from that shape, so do start looking at things around you from small battery in wrist watch to planes and missiles. Think about them a bit and leave it! While doing this do not think of any exam paper, just analyze few things from your know how like – shape, color, purpose, function, how it functions etc. Try to ask one simple question – do I know now something about this “thing” which if I ask 100 people only one would know or have thought about it! – if the answer it yes you have achieved the knowledge J again this looks hard, but it’s not so hard… if I tell you the inc pens functions based on the fundamental of gravity as well as when the ink is on paper it’s because of molecular attraction or adhesion, you may have got it! But again this may be controversial to say – but something like this keeps your designer side of brain ticking which helps you apply same principles elsewhere.

Have fun and best of luck!